
LymphoDrain™ is a permanent implant designed to actively drain the lymph that physiologically leaks in the interstitial space, but it is not effectively drained in lymphedema patients. LymphoDrain™ continuously transports lymphatic fluid to an area with functional lymphatics through an innovative, proprietary externally driven magnetic pump implanted under the skin, offering the first permanent and continuous drainage solution.

The device can be implanted subcutaneously: no need for connection with any existing vessel. The procedure is fast and simple (approximately 30 minutes).

LymphoDrain™ Components

Implantable Pump Head

Implantable Pump Head

Proprietary magnetic pump head able to create the pressure necessary for the lymph to flow in the catheters.

Implantable Input and Output catheters

Thanks to our innovative design, the catheters allow the uniform absorption of the lymph from the subcutaneous space and the release in the output region.

Wearable Controller

A small wearable device, magnetically connected with the Implanted Pump Head, acts as driver and power source for the implant.

Cloud-based applications

The Wearable Controller is wirelessly connected to a cloud web platform: healthcare professionals can use it to monitor the implant functioning and set the draining parameters (flow rate / time of drainage per day).

logo lymphatica LymphoDrain

Awarded research grants / projects

Discover who we are

We are a spin-off company out of the Angiology Division of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and of the Laboratory of Lymphatic and Cancer Bioengineering of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).